Ancient Spirits Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots and Restoring Earth Community. Pegi Eyers Kewadin. MI: Stone Circle Press, 2016.


  • Sharon G. Mijares

Author Biography

Sharon G. Mijares

Sharon G. Mijares, Ph,D. is a global traveler and has led workshops to empower women in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico, Scotland, Uganda, Venezuela, and the United States. She is the primary editor of A Force Such As the World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change (Inanna, 2013).


How to Cite

Mijares, S. G. (2018). Ancient Spirits Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots and Restoring Earth Community. Pegi Eyers Kewadin. MI: Stone Circle Press, 2016. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 32(1-2). Retrieved from