Women’s Experiences of Stalking on Campus: Behaviour Changes and Access to University Resources


  • Lana Stermac University of Toronto
  • Jenna Cripps University of Toronto
  • Veronica Badali University of Toronto


The present study examined whether behavioural changes made by women students who experienced stalking on campus restricted their access to university resources and facilities. A diverse sample of two hundred and fifty-five university women with experiences of stalking, including racialized women, women with disabilities and members of sexual minorities, completed an online survey and asked if they had made changes to their behaviour on campus in order to feel safer or more secure and to describe those changes. Using phenomenological thematic analysis and a feminist theory framework of understanding stalking behaviour, themes and subthemes relevant to the research questions were generated. Thematic analysis of participant’s responses yielded five themes based on changes in behaviours or attitudes identified by students: restrictions in campus movements, increased vigilance, changes in social engagement, changes in academic engagement, and use of health/support services. Women self-identifying with a disability were more likely to report changing their behaviour on campus to feel safer and more comfortable following stalking victimization compared to individuals without disabilities.

Author Biographies

Lana Stermac, University of Toronto

Lana Stermac is currently a Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto. Her research in the area of violence against women includes the broad area of women’s mental health, education and health promotion. Her recent work focuses largely on the effects of campus sexual violence on women’s educational experiences and academic achievements.

Jenna Cripps, University of Toronto

Jenna Cripps received her B.Sc. in Psychology: Brain and Cognition from the University of Guelph and her M.A. from the University of Toronto. Her experience includes working in the broad area of women’s mental health, education, and health promotion and focuses largely on the intersection of women’s use of technology and traumatic or adverse experiences. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Clinical and Counselling Psychology at the University of Toronto.

Veronica Badali, University of Toronto

Veronica Badali received her B.Sc. in psychology from the University of Toronto. She has research experience spanning diverse projects, methods, and participant groups, and most recently has worked on a project examining the impact of sexual coercion on women’s education. Her personal research interests also holistic stress reduction and
wellbeing across the lifespan.


How to Cite

Stermac, L., Cripps, J., & Badali, V. (2018). Women’s Experiences of Stalking on Campus: Behaviour Changes and Access to University Resources. Canadian Woman Studies Les Cahiers De La Femme, 32(1-2). Retrieved from https://cws3.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cws/article/view/37696